The Educational Games for Children That Are Stealing the Show

Discover the best educational games that are revolutionizing children's learning with fun and interactivity.


Educational games have become a powerful tool for children's development, offering a fun and interactive way to learn.

With the growing demand for innovative educational solutions, several applications have emerged on the market to meet this need. Among the most popular are Khan Academy Kids, Kinedu, Papumba, PlayKids and Tiny Puzzle, each with its own features and benefits.

These applications were carefully developed to stimulate different skills, such as language, reading, mathematics and motor development, adapting to different age groups. They not only entertain, but also promote children's continued learning and cognitive development.


If you're looking for educational alternatives that really make a difference in your children's lives, keep reading to find out more about these incredible apps and how they can benefit children's learning.

Get ready to explore a world of fun and effective educational possibilities!

Khan Academy Kids

Khan Academy Kids is one of the most acclaimed apps when it comes to early childhood education. Designed for children aged 2 to 8, it offers a wide range of interactive activities aimed at developing essential skills such as language, reading, writing and mathematics.


The interface is friendly and colorful, attracting little ones' attention and making learning a fun and engaging experience.

Among the main benefits of Khan Academy Kids are personalized activities that adapt to each child's rhythm.

The application uses artificial intelligence to offer challenges suited to the user's skill level, ensuring that learning is progressive and constant. In addition, it has a library rich in books, videos and educational games that cover various topics in the preschool curriculum.

Parents also have access to detailed progress reports, allowing them to track their child's skill development in an accurate and informed way. This makes Khan Academy Kids not only a learning tool for children, but also a valuable resource for parents who want to actively participate in their children's education.


Aimed at children up to 4 years old, Kinedu is an application that stands out for its playful and personalized activities. It is ideal for the first years of life, focusing on the cognitive, motor, social and emotional development of babies.

Kinedu offers a daily activity plan based on each child's age and development rate, ensuring an individualized and effective approach.

The app features more than 1600 activities developed by child development experts, covering a wide range of skills and developmental milestones. Each activity is accompanied by detailed instructions and explanatory videos, making it easier for parents and guardians to carry out.

In addition to practical activities, Kinedu offers informative articles and videos for parents, helping them better understand child development and how to support their children at each stage. The app also allows you to record children's progress and achievements, creating a development diary that can be shared with family members and healthcare professionals.


Papumba is an excellent choice for children aged 2 to 6 years. This app offers a wide variety of educational content covering animals, alphabet, music, numbers and even other languages.

Papumba is designed to be used in both home and school environments, adapting to children's learning needs in different contexts.

One of Papumba's biggest attractions is its fun and interactive approach. The app uses games, songs and stories to teach important concepts, keeping children engaged and motivated. The activities are short and dynamic, which is ideal for the age group covered, ensuring that children can learn without feeling overwhelmed.

Parents can personalize the learning experience by selecting the topics they want their children to explore. Additionally, Papumba offers progress reports that help parents track their child's skill development and identify areas that may need more attention.


PlayKids is one of the most popular apps among children and their parents. It offers a variety of games, puzzles, coloring pages, and educational cartoons, all designed for young children. This app is an excellent tool for keeping children entertained while they learn and develop their skills.

One of the main advantages of PlayKids is its wide range of content. Children can explore different areas of knowledge through fun and educational activities, which range from basic math and reading concepts to motor and artistic skills. The app is also constantly updated with new content, keeping kids interested.

PlayKids also allows parents to set up parental controls, ensuring that the content children access is appropriate for their age. Additionally, the app works offline, which is a big advantage for use when traveling or in areas with limited internet access.

Tiny Puzzle

Tiny Puzzle is suitable for children up to 5 years old and offers educational games that help develop associations and motor skills. The app uses themes such as animals, clothes, colors, objects and transport to create a fun and enriching learning experience.

Each game on Tiny Puzzle is designed to be simple and intuitive, allowing children to play and learn independently. The activities are short, which is ideal for keeping young children's attention, and each game aims to reinforce a specific skill, such as motor coordination, color recognition or association skills.

The app also offers a safe, ad-free environment, giving parents peace of mind while their children explore and learn. Tiny Puzzle is an excellent option for parents looking for a reliable and effective educational resource for their young children.

Other Popular Apps

In addition to the apps mentioned, there are others that are also very popular among children and parents, such as ABC do Bita, Lingokids and YouTube Kids. ABC do Bita is known for its educational and entertaining songs, Lingokids offers a comprehensive approach to learning English, and YouTube Kids is a safe platform with a vast library of educational and entertaining videos.

Trying different apps can help parents find the best options for their children's interests and needs.

Each app has its own features and benefits, and often a combination of several can provide a rich and diverse learning experience.


Educational games are an excellent tool to complement children's learning, offering a fun and effective way to develop various skills.

Applications such as Khan Academy Kids, Kinedu, Papumba, PlayKids and Tiny Puzzle stand out for their innovative and interactive approaches, providing an engaging and safe learning environment.

Parents and guardians have a variety of options available to help their children's cognitive, motor and emotional development. Experimenting and combining different apps can be the key to finding the most suitable solutions for each child.

Keep exploring these incredible apps and take advantage of all the potential they offer for children's learning and development!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the best age to start using educational games?

A: Educational games can be introduced from an early age, with apps aimed at children aged 2 and up. Each app has a recommended age range.

2. Is it safe to let my child use these apps alone?

A: Many apps, such as PlayKids and Tiny Puzzle, offer safe, ad-free environments and parental controls to ensure appropriate use.

3. Do these applications replace formal education?

A: No, they are complementary tools that can enrich learning, but do not replace the formal education offered by schools and teachers.

4. Can I track my child's progress on these apps?

A: Yes, most apps offer detailed progress reports so parents can track their child's skill development.

Photo of author
Fernanda Souza
I like writing about cell phones and technology, and sharing news about the best apps that aren't yet known. My analytics reveal unique experiences and surprising applications for users.

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