The best English pronunciation apps for non-native speakers

5 free apps to improve English pronunciation and improve your communication efficiently.


If you're learning English, you know that pronunciation is one of the most important parts of the process. After all, there's no point in knowing the grammar rules and vocabulary if you can't communicate in a clear and understandable way.

To help with this challenge, there are several applications that focus on improving pronunciation. And the best part: many of them are free!

Check out some of the best English pronunciation apps for non-native speakers below:


1. Duolingo

Duolingo is one of the most popular apps for learning languages, and in addition to traditional classes, it also has the option to practice pronunciation. The app has artificial intelligence that evaluates your accent and guides you on how to improve your pronunciation.

2. Pronunciation Coach


Ideal for those who want to practice pronouncing words individually, Pronunciation Coach has more than 9 thousand words in its database. You can train by repeating the words and comparing them with the correct pronunciation.

3. ELSA Speak

ELSA Speak is an app that uses artificial intelligence to evaluate and correct your pronunciation. It offers personalized lessons, focused on each user's individual difficulties. You can use ELSA free of charge for seven days.

4. Speechling

Speechling is an app that offers a private teacher for your pronunciation studies. It has a recording function, where you can record your voice to receive personalized feedback from a teacher.

5. Say It: English Pronunciation

Say It is an app that offers pronunciation exercises in English with the help of videos, images and audio. It is aimed at non-native speakers and has activities ranging from basic to advanced levels.

Improving your pronunciation in English may seem difficult, but with the help of the right apps, you can improve your speaking in a fun and efficient way. Try the apps listed above and watch your accent improve every day!

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Fernanda Souza
I like writing about cell phones and technology, and sharing news about the best apps that aren't yet known. My analytics reveal unique experiences and surprising applications for users.

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