Fernanda Souza

The best sales apps to make money online

The 5 best sales apps to make money online

Market Research Apps to Make Money

Market research apps: how to earn extra money by answering surveys.

Earning money with cashback apps

Discover how to earn money back on your purchases with cashback apps: a simple and smart way to save and increase your income.

Os melhores aplicativos de tarefas remuneradas

Os melhores aplicativos de tarefas remuneradas para ganhar dinheiro extra: Roamler, i-Say, EasyShift, Field Agent e AppTrailers.

How to make money with free apps

How app developers can make money with free apps: business models and tips for success.

Top 10 aplicativos para ganhar dinheiro online

Os 10 melhores aplicativos para ganhar dinheiro online: conheça as opções para rentabilizar seu tempo na internet.

The Educational Games for Children That Are Stealing the Show

Discover the best educational games that are revolutionizing children's learning with fun and interactivity.

The most popular multiplayer games to play with friends

The 5 best multiplayer games to play with your friends and have unlimited fun!

The Most Captivating Story-Based Games for Mobile

5 mobile games with captivating and engaging stories to enjoy your free time.

Os jogos mobile mais acessíveis para pessoas com deficiência visual

Jogos mobile acessíveis: exemplos para jogadores com deficiência visual

The future of mobile games: augmented and virtual reality

The future of mobile games: the evolution of technology brings innovative possibilities with augmented reality, virtual reality and artificial intelligence.

The mobile gaming experience: an emotional analysis

The Emotional Experience of Mobile Games: Captivating Stories, Attractive Prizes and a World of Adventures in the Palm of your Hand.